Tips and Tricks

Updated July 18, 2023

Sometimes, the little things make a big difference. We’ve got a few little tips and tricks to share, that can help you use the operations application like a pro!

light bulb, current, electric

General Tips

These handy tips give you the ability to find out more information about the area of the application you’re in. Try them out, anywhere in the operations application.

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Quick Jumps Between Records

Jump between related records when you need to see information in multiple places.

Navigation Buttons

The back and forward buttons in the toolbar let you move between the last sections you visited. 

Explore Nav Buttons

In this example, we’ll move between the customer and rate chart sections of the operations application.  Use the navigation buttons to quickly jump backward or forward. Click play and interact with the video!

Operational Tips

When using the software daily, these tips can help improve efficiency and usability.

Wildcard (%) Character in Search Fields

Use the wildcard character % to help find records when you do not remember the exact criteria.  For example, when looking at the customers section of the operations app, use the % symbol to replace unknown text if you do not know the full customer name or number.

Order Jumping with Function Keys

For faster order entry, you can use the function keys (typically at the top of your keyboard) instead of the mouse to move between fields on the order form. The associated keys are listed next to the field name.

Order Type Tester

Use the Order Type Time Tester to confirm the time windows and hours of operation set up in your order types will work as expected.

This tool simulates the time windows of an order, to check that the order can be created and completed within the desired days and times.

Distance Override

Google is an industry standard when it comes to address validation and distance calculation. However, nothing is perfect. If the calculated distance on an order is incorrect, it can be overridden.

Double-click the Distance on the order status bar to open the Override Calculated Distance window. Fill in the desired distance and click OK to override the Original Calculated Distance.

Read Worthy Articles​

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Classic Operations App manual.

The Order Type Tester allows you to confirm the time windows and hours of operation set up in X Dispatch will behave as expected when adding or editing order types. Read more...


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