Driver App (Nextstop)

Updated August 2, 2024

The Driver App (formerly Nextstop 3) is the mobile app where drivers can easily view their manifest, alert dispatch of their status, and instantly place themselves in an active status to receive new orders.

Driver App Set Up

Download and Install

The Driver App can be downloaded from the Google Play and Apple App Stores.

  1. Depending on your device, open the Google Play app or the App Store app.
  2. Search for CXT Driver App.
  3. Tap the icon from the search results.
  4. Install the app.

Driver Record

This lesson assumes you have already created your driver records in the operations app. If this has not yet been completed, please jump back to the Human Resources and Drivers lesson to read about this setup process.

Logging In

To log in you must know the Company ID, Driver ID, and Password. 

Your company ID can be found in the Global Options.

The driver ID can be found in the driver record.

Classic Operations App

Operations App

The driver’s password is set in the driver record or by the driver from the Driver App if Allow Driver Password Reset is enabled on the driver record. See documentation here for how you can reset the driver’s password, or documentation here for how the driver can reset their own password. 

  1. Open the driver app on your mobile phone.
  2. Enter the Company ID, Driver ID, and Password.
  3. Optional. Check Remember Me to save your Company ID and Driver ID for the next time you log in. Your password will not be saved.
  4. Tap the Login in the bottom right.

Did you know

Once you've logged in with your credentials you can use the biometric (fingerprint or facial recognition) login for quicker login.

Driver Experience/Set Up

You can customize what your driver is able to do and see inside the Driver App. 

Mobile Options Set

Driver permissions, which we call Mobile Option Sets, determine the driver’s experience in the mobile app. They can be set on a group level (so you can “templatize” permissions) or an individual driver level (to give only certain drivers specific abilities/restrictions). 

All drivers must be associated to a Mobile Option Set and are grouped with the Default permission group unless otherwise specified. If individual configurations are needed, the permissions can be overridden for that specific driver(s). 

Locating and Editing

Depending on how driver permissions are best set up for your company – group, individual, or a combination of both may be used.

View the tabs below to see how/where each option is located and set up for drivers.

Common Mobile Options

There are many mobile option sets available to customize and tailor the workflow and view of the driver app. A few commonly used settings are:


When Automatic is enabled, stops are consolidated when the addresses match exactly and the times match or overlap. If Types is also enabled, consolidated stops will need the same stop type.

When Manual is enabled, drivers are able to select stops to consolidate manually from within the Driver App.

GPS Required

When this feature is turned on, a warning will appear to drivers upon opening the mobile app if GPS is disabled. Drivers cannot tap or open stops until GPS is enabled.

This feature is used to ensure accurate location tracking. Location tracking is used for geofencing functionality, dispatcher tracking of drivers, and by clients for package/shipment tracking.

Create New Stops

When this feature is enabled, drivers are able to create new route stops from within the mobile app.

The created stops will be assigned to the driver, associated with a customer on a posted route assigned to the driver, and added to a route assigned to the driver.

Explore Mobile Option Settings

An available mobile option setting is to show/hide the driver pay inside the mobile app. View the configuration and driver view below!

Mobile Option Setting
Driver App View

Check the Show Driver Pay box to display the driver pay in the mobile app.

Important Note

Making changes to the mobile option sets immediately affects the driver, it is still recommended to log the driver out of the mobile app and log back in to see the changes. You can also log the driver out from the driver record by clicking the Logout Driver button.

Global Options Driver Configurations

There are some settings for drivers on a global level (outside of the Mobile Option Sets and driver-specific configurations) that will impact all drivers in your operations app.

The Mobile tab of the global Options menu contains driver configurations for parcel scanning in the mobile app and gives you an option to log out all drivers signed into the mobile app. The settings in this section apply to all drivers.

Hover over the pulsing green icons below to explore!

Select what should happen when a driver scans a parcel on an on demand order. Hover over each option to see a detailed description in the Description box.

This is for all drivers and cannot be customized for individual drivers.

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Select what should happen when a driver scans a parcel on a route stop. Hover over each option to see a detailed description in the Description box.

This is for all drivers and cannot be customized for individual drivers.

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Log out all drivers signed into Nextstop. This can be helpful if you made updates to Mobile Option Sets and need drivers to re-log in.

You can also log out individual drivers on the driver record.

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You can set a minimum version of the Driver App that drivers are allowed to use. Selecting “CXT Driver 3+” and “Newest ver. only” allows you to require drivers to always have the most current version of the Driver App.

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App-Specific Areas Of Interest

The driver app includes in-app settings/functions that can only be controlled by the driver from within the app.

Stops List


Tap Receiving from the main menu to view facilities where drivers can perform receive scanning. This is most often used with integration workflows, linehaul scenarios, and other bulk scanning activities at a warehouse facility.

For receive stops to display in this section, the stop must be a “Start” Stop Type and currently reside on an active route. Receive stops will be displayed within their assigned depot (assuming the stop’s address matches the depot’s address).


The Settings section allows the driver to customize general setting in their app. Many of the settings are tied to the Mobile Option Set configurations (discussed in the sections above), however a few settings are controlled from within the driver app only such as sounds and scanning options.

This can be viewed by going to the main menu and selecting Settings.


The Sounds settings allow drivers to choose audio tones, silent, or vibrate for sounds used.
Sounds play when an action is taken inside while using the app or a message is received. For example, a sound will play when the driver successfully scans a parcel. “Silent” or “Vibrate” to mute notifications and sounds are also options.
Read more


The Scanning settings allow the driver to configure scanning settings such as continuous scanning.
Continuous scanning allows the driver to use a mobile device’s camera as a Bluetooth scanner. Without continuous scanning, the driver will need to tap the Camera button each time you would like to scan a parcel at a stop.
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There are a few general areas of interest in the Driver App that are controlled solely by the driver (and do not have controllable settings in the Operations App).

Driver Use

Take a look at the following short videos to take a peak at some of the information drivers can see and various actions they can take on jobs.

Login & Stops List

Order Stop Actions

Route Stop Actions

Make Next Stop

Drivers can mark stops as their “next stop” from the Driver App. In the Stop Info screen, click the action menu, then selecting Make Next Stop.

This feature can be used to support customer notifications, so your clients know when to expect a pickup and/or delivery. 

Pro Tip

Dispatchers can also set a stop to be the next stop from the Operations App Dispatch Board. For this to be visible in the Driver App, the Sort by... setting must be set to "Itinerary".

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For more extensive walkthroughs and comprehensive information, check out our knowledge base!

The mobile app manual documents the mobile app including the workflows and how to install and login. Read more...

Mobile option sets are used to control and customize the mobile app for your drivers. The list of mobile option sets displays the Option Name, Description, and number of Users Assigned.
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Each driver is automatically assigned to the default mobile option group and the specific settings within that group. This can be edited for the driver on the Mobile Options tab on the driver/mobile user record.
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Read more for the Classic Operations App...


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